We need Responsible Recycling in the 21st Century

Recycling in the 21st century should start at the point of concept of the product you are manufacturing. A responsible way of taking back the parts you are making and re-consume them 100% back into the new product. If we buy products form manufactures who out source their recycling then they are not taking responsibility to keeping the planet safe for future generations. At the moment we are just moving rubbish around the planet!!! Plastic,Electronics etc.

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Just made it to 280 badges and 200K

5 years of continual studying 3 Certs lots of fun.
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Lightning Experience Reports and Dashboards Superbadge

Just completed this with the help of Gemma’s hints on her blog.

The journey

The reward
Lightning Experience Reports and Dashboard Super badge
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Just Completed the Process Automation Specialist

Phew a good challenge on with some more badges Score now at 170k

Trailhead October 1st 2019

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